Monday, October 19, 2009

Sick. Sick.

The other day at work, I stood outside for an hour in the rain. Why would I do this? Because one of our clients has Multiple Sclerosis and she has to take an Access-A-Ride home. Except for it was raining and frigid and she didn't want to wait by herself.

So I went down with her.

And we waited. And waited. And waited. And finally she was all "Oh, well it's been long enough, so now I can call the dispatch and find out where the truck is."

So she calls. "Ten Minutes." They say.

Ten minutes goes by.

She calls again. "Ten Minutes" They say.

Ten minutes goes by.

She calls again. "Ten Minutes" They say.

Ten minutes goes by.

Then she's all.. "Well after a half an hour you can take a cab, but I forgot to ask for a confirmation code when I was on that last call."

So I was all, "Give me your phone, let me call them."

So I call them and they say the freaking truck is in BROOKLYN!

BROOKLYN, PEOPLE!  We had been waiting outside for over an hour at that point!

I was all "I'm getting you a cab, this is ridiculous."

And she was all "Don't tell them I need help getting out"

Of course I didn't listen to her, because I don't want her to be in a car with jerk. So the first cabbie I asked turned me down and some concerned citizens were all "Did he say no?" "Oh my god, that should be a CRIME!"

And on top of this, she has to use the bathroom and neither of the restrooms on either side of us are accessible for her.

So she just has to hold it.

And then I finally get her a willing cabbie and he seems like a perfectly nice gent and I'm happy to send her off in his cab except now my hair is completely wet and I am freezing cold.

She kept asking me if I was going to get in trouble waiting with her and I was all, no of course i am not going to get in trouble. Besides, If I get in trouble for this, it's not a job I would want to have.


IAmDann said...

Oh man. My mom has MS. I can't even imagine her trying to get around NYC. That's crazy.

Theresa : titasoto said...

love your heart, mela.