Wednesday, June 6, 2012

my conversation with a bot

hi internet,

I have gotten a lot more spam in my email since I made my email address public. Just recently (about ten minutes ago) I got a message on gchat from a "Michelle Myott" what follows is our conversation. Please accept my apologies for the sometimes graphic nature. I find it the whole dialog to be hilarious, and i hope you will, too.

 Michelle:  ;)

 Sent at 7:32 PM on Wednesday

 me:  hi

 Michelle:  have we chatted before? 26/female

 me:  oh god, you're a bot

 Michelle:  if i was a bot ..why would i be wearing this hat?? lolz

 me:  um, i'm a rhinocerous, whatever scam you are running will not work on me

 Michelle:  scam wtf?!?

 me:  do i know you?

 Michelle:  i'm sorry ..i get to be forgetful at times!! how're you??

 me:  who are you?

 Michelle:  Just got out of the shower...long day been kind of busy! but i'm feeling naughty! want to have some fun?

 me:  hahahahaha ,hilarious

 Michelle:  gonna change my clothes ... want to see ? 

 me:  LOL

 Michelle: click the gold "Join Free" button at the top of my profile.....give it a second to load ..when you get in , I'd love for you to join me in private  ....k?

 me:  yeah, i knew you were a bot
i'd like to see you fuck your mother up her ass

 Michelle:  Ok, now you really lost me?? bot???

 me:  bot is not a real person, if you were you would take offense to what i just said

 Michelle:  Ok, now you really lost me?? bot???

 me:  form response
gleeble gleeble gleeble jibber jabber

 Michelle:  i use this site to play on cuz i don't want to be recorded !...this site doesn't allow users to record my webcam! you know?

 me:  uh huh, that's nice

 Michelle:  credit card is just to verify your age, you'll get in for free thru my page but you need to verify that you're an adult ...can't show ass and pussy to minors .. u know?

 me:  sure, i know, but see, i only like little boys

 Michelle:  let me know when you're done or if you need help ...i'll be gettin' ready for you ..K ?

 me:  i bet you will be

 Michelle:  brb.. 1 second ... got to restart my cam ...u coming?

 me:  but first you have to wash up, which will short curciut you

 Michelle:  k ur good let me know when you're in babe..

 me:  oh yeah, i'm here
where are you? i don't see you

 Michelle:  are you in yet?

 me:  yup

 Michelle:  well hey better give me some "gold" when you're on the site's like a flirt and I'd love some from you ..k?

 me:  all the gold you need is up your mother's ass

 Michelle:  k

 me:  so you should get a flashlight and look way up there

 Michelle:  k

 me:  and if you can't find the gold, well that bitch hid it somewhere eles, and you'll have to torture it out of her

 Michelle:  make me your bitch

 me:  yeah and i'll call you my bitch bot

 Michelle:  make me your bitch

 me:  i would consider it if you weren't a mindless email collecting bot

 Michelle:  Ok, now you really lost me?? bot???

 me:  bot bot bot bot bot bot bot

 Michelle:  uggh no i'm not are u???? lolz

 me:  i'm not the demographic you are looking to scam

 Michelle:  scam wtf?!?

 me:  yeah, scam
and whoever programed you did a shit job

 Michelle:  scam wtf?!?

 me:  your programmer is shit

 Michelle:  what's taking u soooo long babe im burnin' in here waiting for u .....

 me:  LOL
purple purple purple purple

 Sent at 7:46 PM on Wednesday

Edit... The bot returns!

 Michelle:  hey you

 Sent at 10:03 PM on Wednesday

 me:  back again already?

 Michelle:  have we chatted before? 26/female

 me:  yeah, we chatted yesterday
no sorry, actually about 3 hours ago

 Michelle:  i'm sorry ..i get to be forgetful at times!! how're you??

 me:  i'm amused

 Michelle:  Just got out of the shower...long day been kind of busy! but i'm feeling naughty! want to have some fun?

 me:  i'm always up for fun

 Michelle:  gonna change my clothes ... want to see ? 

 Sent at 10:06 PM on Wednesday

 me:  sure

 Michelle: click the gold "Join Free" button at the top of my profile.....give it a second to load ..when you get in , I'd love for you to join me in private  ....k?

 Sent at 10:07 PM on Wednesday

 me:  you sent me a different link 3 hours ago

 Michelle:  Its just accept my cam invite,

 me:  geez bots don't even do continuity
yeah, another different link

 Michelle:  Ok, now you really lost me?? bot???

 me:  haha

 Michelle:  i use this site to play on cuz i don't want to be recorded !...this site doesn't allow users to record my webcam! you know?

 me:  yeah
have you got any other form responses?

 Michelle:  credit card is just to verify your age, you'll get in for free thru my page but you need to
verify that you're an adult ...can't show ass and pussy to minors .. u know?

 me:  yeah i know, but i like boys, remember?

 Michelle:  let me know when you're done or if you need help ...i'll be gettin' ready for you ..K ?

 me:  yeah, you get ready

 Michelle:  brb.. 1 second ... got to restart my cam ...u coming?

 me:  just an fyi, i've been posting these conversations on my blog and forwarding your dialogs to the economic crimes unit for financial fraud

 Michelle:  k ur good let me know when you're in babe..

 me:  sure

 me:  sure

 Michelle:  are you in yet?

 me:  i'm going skydiving. do you like skydiving?

 Michelle:  well hey better give me some "gold" when you're on the site's like a flirt and I'd love some from you ..k?

 Sent at 10:12 PM on Wednesday

 me:  what is gold? like a gold credit card?

 Michelle:  k

 me:  money

 Michelle:  there's no $$ involved!!

 me:  slut

 Michelle:  mhhm make me your slut

 me:  bitch

 Michelle:  make me your bitch

 me:  whore

 Michelle:  I'll be your whore

 me:  apple

 Michelle:  k

 me:  banana

 Michelle:  what's taking u soooo long babe im burnin' in here waiting for u .....

 me:  woman