Tuesday, May 1, 2012

couch to 5k

Hi internet,

Y'all know that I submitted Kevin's Visa on April 2nd and that I got the First Notice of Action (N0A1) in the mail on April 14th. The United States Center for Immigration Services (USCIS) says they received my fiancee petition and my money on April 6th and that it has been accepted and is under "initial review."

Internet, "initial review" is code for BACKGROUND CHECK. During this phase Homeland Security conducts a thourough background check on yours truly. What fun. Well, it's not like the government can't find out anything they want to find out about me ANYWAY, whenever they want. During this phase, they make sure I'm not a threat to national security. Awesome, I have nothing to worry about (resists urge to write something snarky here).

Typically, the fiancee visa petition is approved in three to five months. And all the petitions have about a 98% approval rate.

AFTER the visa is approved, it then gets sent to the National Visa Center or NVC. I think I already talked about this part a couple of posts ago. You can see that it is on my mind.

On another note, it's May, which means summer is closer.

Oh yeah, and I just remembered the title of this entry is "couch to 5k." The folks over at Cool Runnings have this 9 week couch to 5k program that's really neat. You start out alternating jogging and walking and then progress to full on jogging. I probably told you this before, internet, but I did run Cross Country and Track in high school, SO WHAT IF IT WAS NEARLY TEN YEARS AGO, RIGHT?!

it should come back easily!

I haven't started it yet, even thoguh I have every intention of doing so. Intentions never get anyone, anywhere. I have already started making excuses in ernest about my not starting yet. Including but not limited to "I have too much work to do" "I don't REALLY neeed to work out" and my personal favorite "I'll start tomorrow."

Here's to tomorrow, internet.

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