Saturday, May 5, 2012

wherein i don't know how to be cordial

hi internet,

yesterday and this morning I am reminded that I have a strong dislike for some personality traits. I'll say right now that I am by NO means perfect, and i'm well aware that I annoy some people most of the time and most people some of the time.

but internet, if there is a number one thing I CANNOT stand, it's being fake.

I make it a point to speak directly to people when I have a problem with them. And I know it's hard for some people to do this. I get it. Sometimes people are awkward and that's fine.

but internet, on the other side of being direct is being indirect, and yesterday i was insulted through a closed door under the guise of a joke. internet, i HATE that.

immediately i told the person that i thought they were being an asshole, and said person started apologising through the door to no response from me. And then said person came out of said room and came over to me, place a hand on my arm and said "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it, I was just joking"

I said "OK" and left it at that.

I have to call BULLSHIT though, said person knew what they were doing from minute one and tried to cover it up in an apology. SO FUCKING IRRITATING.

the only reason i didn't let said perosn know what i really thought of them, is because they were not a guest of mine, so it is my best interest to try to stay out of it as much as possible.

but it's very difficult, internet. very difficult indeed.

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