Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Seriously? What the hell?

Monday Evening I made a bad life decision. I let this guy who broke up with me in mid february come over. I suppose you can guess what happened, I'm not going to go into too much detail, because my mom reads this blog. Tuesday morning I woke up with two fresh hickey's on the right side of my neck. Joy.

Of course as is his M.O. he broke up with me AGAIN via text in the middle of the day. I didn't know we were even dating again so don't ask me why he did that. And then he deleted me off of his BlackBerry Messenger. So I left him alone the entire rest of the day, and then he sends me a text at like 10pm saying that he can't handle me, and to get out of his head. What the hell? Why is he messing with me? It's not like I'm innocent. I sent him something cute in Spanish. We texted back and forth for a little bit, and then I turned my phone off and went to bed. 

This morning I woke up super early around 6:30 or so. I turned on my phone and there was a text from him saying "Hi" so I said "Hello, good morning" and he said "Morning" and I said "Sleep well?" and he said "Yes, U?" and I said "Yes, I have to put my bed frame together today."

That last one was sent at 7:08AM and I didn't hear back from him so I just left it alone. 

Then, at 3:30 he texts and says "Have VD?"

And I say "What is VD? Venereal Disease? That term hasn't been used since the '80's and no, I don't. Do you?"

He says "Nope."  "Just checking, maybe u blew someone else" (sorry, mom)

Me: "Ha!"

Him: "I'm not "haha"ing"

Me: "Listen, you jerk, I have only blown you since I have known you. Capisce?" (sorry, mom)

Him: "Ok, well my back hurts."

Me: "I don't give a shit"

Him: "easy nichols"

Me: "Don't fucking ask me if I have VD who the fuck do you think you are? I care too much about your health and mine. Don't be an asshole."

Him: "I am a giant gaping butthole"

Me: "As long as you own it, it's cool. Get a heating pad and stop being a weenie"

Him: "Nor have I been with anyone"

Me: "I know"

Him: "But it's really over between us. Its a farce"

Me: "Okay, leave me the fuck alone then"

Him: "Don't go sending me some shit in Spanish"

At this point, I called him, enraged. And he picked up (Shocker!)

Him: "Hello?"

Me: "What the hell are you doing?"

Him: ( Muffled laughter)

Me: "Seriously. You deleted me off your BBM and I left you alone the whole fucking day and then YOU texted ME, leave me alone!"

Him: "Okay, I'll leave you alone"

Me: "Okay, bye"

And at the end of all that, I bet you a dollar this won't be the last I will hear from him.

What the hell was I thinking?


Matt Walker said...

Is this the fellow we discussed the other day? I thought we'd settled that. ;) Two words: ignore him. Two more words, for a total of four words: cold turkey. Rip off that band-aid and flush it down the toilet! Say "Adios, m----------!"

Mela said...

LOL, Matt! So full of wisdom you are!
