Saturday, April 24, 2010


Earlier this evening, I was standing outside of my friend's apartment building with my date, waiting for him to finish his cigarette so we could go up to the housewarming/birthday party my friend was having. My friend and I were chatting with our backs to the street. Suddenly there was a loud crunching noise coming from behind us, I turned around, started giggling, put my hand to my mouth and said "oh my".

Whilst trying to extricate him or herself from the parking spot behind us, a car got itself involved in a tiny fender bender with the car parked behind it. There was a Mercedes parked in front of it, and there was a tense, nail biting moment between my friend and me wherein we were terribly afraid for the integrity of the said Mercedes' bumper. Luckily, the Mercedes escaped injury and the car drove off.

We chortled that if that incident had happened in the Midwest (where we are both originally from) that the offending bumper scraper would have totally gotten out of their car and left a note on the victimized cars' windshield.

Not so in New York, my friends. Not so.

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