Sunday, June 13, 2010

Am I Crazy?

Below is a text conversation:

Me: Omg this bus ride is sooooo long

Him: I have idea, let's spend nite tonite. Get some sexy lingirie from Victoria Secret and you can expletive and expletive me off both. That would be so hot, I want that.

Him: I mean spend nite tomorrow nite.

Me: I don't have money for lingirie right now darling. I don't get paid till friday.

Me: You can spend the night tomorrow. I wanted to see you tonight but if that is what you prefer...

Him: Ok. Friday then. :) I want u to dress up for me.

Me: You want to wait until friday?!

Me: Are you seeing other people?

Him: I want to see u dressed up in sexy clothes.

Me: Ok. But are you seeing someone besides me?

Me: Please don't force me to make an assumption. Yes or No?

Me: Wow. Ok. Lose my # and cease all contact with me please. I hope things work out with her. Or them.

Him: Babe. What are u talking about? Why are u mad? This is about u and me.

Him: If I want it that way. Ok.

Me: I want you to answer a direct question honestly. Are you seeing someone else?

Me: Because I will tell you right now, my feelings for you are too strong to wait in line. Don't play me like this.

Me: You always have a choice. Me or her, can't have both. Looks like you already made your choice.

Him: I don't know how me asking u to dress sexy meant I was seeing someone else. U are making no sense. But ok bye Mela. I am not getting sucked into argument.

Me: Don't bullshit me! I asked you a direct question and you can't even answer it!

Me: And it wasn't the lingerie, it was time you were willing to spend without seeing me that made me suspicious. Out of character for you.

Him: I just want to spice things up. Thought you taking me for granted.

Him: Mela u are doing it again. no trust. I think u are right. Its not gonna work. U can't treat me this way.

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