Friday, June 10, 2011

on why job hunting is something I could do without.

I took a walk downtown today, to drop off my resume at a shop.

When I got close by, a guy standing on the corner said:

"Are you looking for something?"

"Yeah, I'm looking for 'Puffs' Do you know were that is?"

"Yeah, it's right down here, I'll walk you there"

shit. what did I just do? this guy just invited himself to walk with me. fuck. shit. damn.


We get to the store, the guy orders whatever he's looking for, and I look around the store, browsing. The whole place reeked of nicotine, and as a non smoker, I obviously felt like I didn't belong.

a job is a job.

"Are you looking for something?" An older lady in lounge wear said to me. She was holding a plastic bag, one hand inside of it and one out, by her side. She was standing next to the counter, across from one of the employees.

"No, I just came down here because I saw your ad in the Treasure Hunt and I'd like to drop of my resume"

"Oh, ok" She took my resume from me and glanced at it.

"You don't have any experience in cigarette or lottery sales, do you?"

"No, I don't..."

I actually do. Six years ago I worked at a gas station in Portland, Oregon. I sold both cigarettes and lottery tickets there. Neither of which are that fricken hard to sell. Give me a break, lady.

"Well, that's what I'm looking for." She said, and handed me back my resume.

"Okay, well, it doesn't hurt to come down and check things out." I said.

I turned and walked towards the door. The guy instantly appeared next to me.

"Let me walk you out." he said.

Get. Away. From. Me. Jesusfuckingchrist.

We walk out of the store, and we both turn right.

Stop following me.

"It is hot out, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but I spend most of my time in air conditioning if I can"

I know. Why do I keep answering him back? I just feel so awkward in these situations. Not responding and walking with a complete stranger is worse, I think. At least if you're engaged in conversation, you get more of a sense of how to extricate yourself.

"Oh, I can't be in air conditioning. It's bad for my health, I have all these back problems, I mean, if it gets to be 120 degrees, then maybe I'll turn it on, but usually I just use fans."


Why would you tell a complete stranger about your back problems? Honestly.

"Would you like to hang out sometime?"

"No... I don't think so"

"Ok, well, It was nice to meet you, I'll see you around."

Then he walked away. Thank god.



I'm going to be in NYCity on JUNE 24 till July 2 job hunting-apt hunting. Got any advice for me! I'm relocating back up north this summer asap! Thanks for your comment a while back.

Andy A.

Mela said...

Sure Andy, I have some advice, don't do it.

But if you still want to move to nyc, check out craigslist and roommate happy hour.