Sunday, June 19, 2011

my morbid brain

I'm listening to National Public Radio right now and the announcer, radio guy, radio dj, what do you call them? Well, whatever he is, he just commented on the weather. He said "It is going to be uh... uh...kind of... traditional summer weather."

Readers, I have been meaning to comment on this for some time. Do you know that when the radio guy did those pregnant pauses my brain instantly thought "OH GOD, A TORNADO IS COMING, WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!" and then he said "traditional summer weather" and I felt silly.

thanks, brain.

I have come to the conclusion that some people have more of a happy natural chemical cocktail in their brains. My brain has always been more morbid than most.

For example, I was out at Starbucks with my friend Matt the other day, Matt's blog here, and we were discussing his family, and he told me that his sister was married to a surgeon. To which I exclaimed:

"A surgeon? My god, why would you want to be married to someone who knows exactly where to cut you to make you bleed out?"

Matt laughed and said "Well, you gotta look at it positively, he also knows how to save her."

"Wow, I never would have thought about it that way."

thanks, brain.

Upon doing some introspection, which is one of my favorite things to do, I have decided that I am going to make an active effort to shift my thought patterns into the more positive realm. I think this will do me a world of good and also it will probably help me to be less rigid.


Hawthorne said...

It's much scarier to be married to an actual butcher that bleeds critters out for a living miss :P

Mela said...

I would say so! Gross!