Tuesday, April 10, 2012

a post in which not one thing has to do with the other

hi internet,

how YOU doin'?

let me start by saying that i moved out of NYC to PDX. My first day here was on March 19 so in ten days it will be a month. it's been a very interesting first three weeks for sure.

i set up a home phone and wireless internet service before i moved here, and then when i got to my new house and checked my voicemails, there was one of the creepiest voicemails i ever heard that was left for the woman who previously had my number.

and then, i went to the grocery store, and on my way over to the bus stop after my shopping, a man harrassed me to the point of me having to call in and report him to the police. in 7 years living in nyc, that never happened to me.

i also got a job that i start on thursday. it's full time but we all know how much i just LOVE working for other people... so we'll see.

oh, and wedding dress fitting tomorrow!

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