Monday, July 4, 2011

wherein many things happened that i don't remember

happy independence/steal the homeland from the natives day. actually stealing the homeland was done a long while before that, back when we were still colonies, but it became "official" on today. actually not on today, july 2nd was when they signed the papers, so yeah. thank you howard zinn for setting me straight on that, no thank you public school system!

been doing a lot of socializing lately. i like it, the socializing. redundant much?

went to my grandfathers 93rd birthday today. saw my cousins two week old baby and didn't touch him. i'm baby phobic, and i would probably break him. his name is 'hunter' so naturally i'm expecting him to be able to hunt, kill, prepare and cook things by the time he's five. it's only a realistic expectation.

also went kayaking today, wherein i was reminded just how out of shape i am. further motivation to start the 'couch to 5k'. it's on my to do list.

also, i'm pretty sure i hate my sister and never want to speak to her again. details will bore you and will bring me down, just know she's a miserable cunt and i can't wait for her to leave for china for a year.

gonna go film a horror movie tomorrow wherein i will get to get eaten by ants and covered in fake blood. my kind of day.

doing laundry, too. being productive.

have been on a couple dates recently wherein my date did not contact me afterwards, whatever inflated ego i had going into these dates has now been diminished back down to its regular size.

like how many times i used wherein in this post?

yes, you did.



no x, just o


okay, no o either.

awkward ending.

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