Thursday, September 24, 2009

my god so tired.

so i went out yesterday morning to go to an appointment and then I walked around and window shopped and then i went sunning in the park. then i went out to hang with friends and missed the last train home so i had to stay over, but i stayed up all night because i thought joe was going to be upset at me for not bringing back the unlimited metro card because we share it. i texted him right before my phone died and i said i was soo so sorry and that i was catching the 516am train home. which i did. and to please not be mad.

his text back to me was this:

"don't worry about it. Take your time. Just let me know when you are not taking the train home so I don't wonder if you're stuck somewhere"

Amazing text people.

This is amazing text.


Because I spent the whole train ride home and the subsequent subway train ride home running scenario's through my head that because i didn't have the metro card ready for him at five in the morning so he could go to the meeting that he was going to be so angry at me... and I built it all the way up to that we were going to have to BREAK UP because of the great metro card debacle of 2009.

OH MY GOD. this is what goes on in my head.

All silliness. Absolute silliness.


Claudia said...

I am so happy he is part of your life

Mela said...

me too, claudia. me too. great man.