I am infinitely glad that I don't have to be at work at nine in the morning like some people right now, because I am awake at 5:13AM and I have been awake since 3AM.
I can't really think clearly right now so one might ask me why I am writing a blog entry, and I say it is because I think that when your thoughts are foggy it is best to get them all out so you can see what's going on in your head. I have decided to do a freewrite, you know one of those writing exercises where you just write for a specified length of time and don't let your pen or pencil lift from the page, the idea is that you will get all your thoughts out and be able to organize them later. The best part is that you don't have to worry about punctuation or spelling. Well, I think I have just figured out the purpose of this blog. It's going to be a blog about freewriting. I think that will make me happy. Yes. It's not really freewriting for real, because real free writing is traditionally done with actual paper and pen. so there you go, I'm already being a rebel. And I'm probably going to mess up the rules about not hitting the backspace key instictively like I just did a couple of times to try to spell the word instinctively correctly but as you can see I got it wrong the first time and right the second one. Awesome.
So, what is on my mind?
I have two jobs. One I like, One I don't like. I'm not going to write a lot about my jobs, or maybe nothing at all because I have heard a lot of very discouraging things about writng about your job online. So I won't do that. I'll just tell you I don't like one of my jobs, and I do like the other one. I just wish one of them had more hours. Well, I wish a lot more things but I won't go into detail here.
Okay, moving on.
I love my life. LOVE IT. Life is kind of like being on a rollercoaster, yeah? Now I have gone and gotten all corny. Oh well. It is. Up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down. I like the way typing up and down sounds on my keyboard. You should try it. Up and down sounds so melodic. I wonder who figured out how to figure out how old trees are. Becuase I always thought that was pretty cool, that you could just figure out hold old a tree is by counting the rings. But it's also sad because you can only count the rings if you cut the tree down.
I think that's all for the free write today. I'm going to make a commitment right now starting today to sit down at this desk at this computer and freewrite EVERYDAY. Can I do it? We shall see.
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