Tuesday, September 22, 2009

jury summons and the inner dialogue

got a jury summons in the mail today. awesome. not. i got one in the mail six months ago and I postponed it. god damn judicial system remembered that i was in the system. But my first name is spelled "Mila" on the letter instead of "Mela", so should I go and do my best impression of a mail-order bride from Russia? this may be my only chance to do so. I'll show up at the court and say:

"Hi, I sink you haf ze wrong ladee, I eem straaate frum de USSR as a mail ordur bride und i don't know of zis jury summonsz. Pleese let me be becuz I have sum baby makeeng to do und a much much older husbund to take care of. Zanks."

Something tells me that would not go over very well.

Went to see The Informant tonight with Joe. I highly recommend it. There is a lot of inner dialogue in the movie narrated by Matt Damon for his character "Mark Wittacre" Joe was laughing the whole movie because he said the inner dialogue parts reminded him of me. I will take that as a compliment. He says I should write a movie with inner dialogue in it. He says i would be very good at it. I think he is right.

I can't wait for NaNoWriMo. I am so itching to start but I promised myself that I wouldn't even think of the book until November 1. You have to write a work of fiction. I don't know this might be a hard one for me? Maybe I could write a work of fiction loosely based on my life. Because everyone knows that I like writing about myself.

....Imagine all the people living live in peace.. yoououuuu may say I'm a dreamer but i'm not the only one...

Oh, John Lennon, why did you have to die? Why did you have to go live in the Dakota and have a normal everyday schedule like everyone else? Why didn't you have security? And why oh why did you say to that interviewer that you were going to die at the hands of a crazed fan? Way to kick your own bucket, Lennon! Geez!

Look at me now, I'm yelling at John Lennon for getting murdered. And he died five years before I was even born. What has gotten into me? I really should be mad at that guy who wrote the catcher in the rye. What's that guy's name? I know the main characters name is Holden Caulfield.

I know the jury summons people got my name from voter reg because voter reg spelled my name wrong but they still let me vote on election day. Damn, it's like all of us don't even exist sometimes if people can make such gross errors with our identities and then be all "ooops, sorry we just accidentally sent 16,0000 social security card numbers OVERSEAS. Our bad. No, you can't get your money back, that's simply impossible.



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