I'm watching Saturday Night Live right now with Joe. It's a re run but it has Will Ferrell hosting it. I really like Will Ferrell. He's a very funny guy. It's a re run of the season finale and everyone is coming back and making cameos. Amy Pohler and Maya Rudolph and Norm MacDonald and Tom Hanks. There's a movie preview on right now for the movie 'Zombie Land' and Joe says the movie looks dumb. Yeah, it does look dumb!
What is with hollywood making all these remakes and these dumb movies that turn out to be box office bombs? I mean WTF? I mean, I heard they are making a remake of Teenage Wherewolf. Leave Michael J. Fox's movies alone! Especially the Back to the Future Series. Come on people! Get it together.
I needn't be complaining about hollywood. They say if you point a finger, you've got three more pointing back at you. Now look what I have gone and done, I have just gone and outed myself. One of my dreams in life is to be a screenwriter. I want to write screenplays for people to enjoy on the big screen. Like Woody Allen, Diablo Cody, that guy who wrote Inglorious Basterds. Quentin Tarantino thats who. Alfred Hitchcock, Kevin Smith, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Jane Campion, Nancy Myers. All people I want to be.
So, what stops me you might ask? Well, I don't want to fail. And I don't have any screenwriting schooling. And I don't know what I want to write about. All excuses I know.
I have a couple of started screenplays. Sitting in my room gathering dust, weeping tears of solitude, filled with rage that I am not paying attention to them. Swearing that I will rue the day that I started to pen them should I decide to pick them up again. How dare I? How dare I start something and not finish it! What kind of promise to myself is that? Not a very a kept one, I tell you.
My friends Jen and Julie came over and read my initial notes of one of my screenplays and they both said it was very very good. Except for a writer complimenting his or her work when he or she is still agonizing over the work can mean death to the project. DEATH, I TELL YOU.
I am putting my foot down. After I wake up from my very restful sleep I am going to dust off said screenplay that died at the hands of compliments and continue to work on it! I will soldier on.
1 comment:
There is nothing wrong with failing. Actually I think you need to fail in order to succeed. If u read the biographies of successful people you will see that they all had failure on ther journey at some point.
Get out of being safe. Safe is boring. Safe does not allow growth. Safe is not allowing you to live your dreams.
so why do you want to be safe again????
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