Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Grr. Grr? Grr!

I went to pick up the DVD of my April 19th Comedy show yesterday and this is what happened:

"Hi, I'm here to pick up my DVD"

"Sure! What's your name, when did you perform?"

"Eloise, April 19th"

"Ok, hmm, it's not in here, let me call the manager, just sit over there and he'll be out in a few minutes"

I sat down on a plush couch that she directed me to by the door she said the manager would come to.



"Did you fill out a release form?"

"Yes, I did"

"Did you pay for your DVD?"

"No. I had over 15 people here and Andy told me I would get it for free"

"Did you give it to a manager to sign off on?"

"I gave it to Andy" (the guy who booked the show)

"Oh, well a manager never got it so you'll need to fill out a new one"

"Can I do that now?"

"Yes. Sorry about the wait."

I start filling a second release form. A guy that looks like a comedian I had seen perform on Comedy Central before is in the lobby as well and he asked me how I was doing. I told him crappy and held up the release form and said "I have to fill out one of these AGAIN"

I filled out the form and the manager signed off on it and he told me it was paid for and that he would put a rush order on the DVD and to call the box office tomorrow evening because there is a chance that it will be ready then.

Grr! I hate waiting!

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