Sunday, January 3, 2010


I cannot get enough of this t.v. show. It is so addicting to me. I love to ponder why people commit crimes and then if they are caught, why do they then receive the sentences that they do? I think when I go back to college I might want to study criminology.

I was talking to this patient that comes into my job and she has a phd in criminology. I alwaysd love talking to her about her classes and things crime related.

Anthropology is also something I like a lot. I don't know if I would want to pursue a degree in anthropology, but the study of humans is a fascinating one, specifically the theory of cultural relativity.

For example, in some parts of Africa, it is customary for the young males of some tribes to 'injest' the 'essence' of the older mature male in order to become a man themselves. How would they injest the essence of the older male you may ask? By essentially giving him a blow job.

Now, in the good old U.S.A. if this were to happen here, we would all freak out and prosecute the 'offenders' to the highest offense and then send them straight to jail.

The argument is that we cannot go over to Africa and tell them that they are abusing children and that they need to stop immediately.

It is all so fascinating to me.

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