Saturday, January 23, 2010

On being sloth like

Yesterday and today I have done nothing by lay around. I am very proud of myself for doing this, because I want to get rid of this damn head cold once and for all. I am so tired of having a frog voice. The mistake I made on Thursday was thinking I felt better then throwing myself into work, and then going out after work. Wow. I really should not have done that.


I spent almost the entire day in my bed yesterday and it was really blissful. I got up a couple times to order brunch and to write in this blog. Yes. You read that correctly, I ordered brunch.

And then I snuggled myself up in my covers and read books and did some pondering. I don't know if I can put the pondering I did into words yet, but maybe I will in later entries.

I have decided I am looking forward to this Rusk Institute intake on Tuesday. I have never participated in a 15 day evaluation, and I think that through this process, I will yet again learn a lot about myself. And I also think that I will not have to sleep there as I previously feared. Because I don't think anyone would go through with the evaluation if they had to sleep there for 15 days. I think this evaluation is just to make sure that I can handle dealing with people who have substance abuse problems.

Fingers crossed that I do well. I am throwing caution to the wind.

I am super psyched that it has been so sunny and warm in the city lately. Yes, I consider 40s in the city to be warm. Maybe I will go outside later and get some food from the store. My roommates went to C-town last night with their ferret and they got me some potato and cheddar pirogues which I promptly prepared and devoured because I love pirogues.

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