What? This is a sentence I overheard while walking the streets of new york today. What does that mean? It makes absolutely no sense. How can you drown without any water? Maybe they were talking about NEW water. Maybe the old water was still in the place where the person drowned and they came back to fill it up with new water the next day and OOOOPS there's a dead body in here. Well, just what in hell are you going to do about that? I don't know.
This is why I cannot work in any kind of detective profession. Especially homicide. I would faint, I wouldn't even make it past my first day of work without running out the door and sprinting home, dead bolting my apartment door shut with 876,259,724 new locks that I just picked up at the nearest hardware store which coincidentally is not that far from here (home depot) and then I would crawl under the covers and cry and cry and cry and cry, and then I would hope and pray that I get to die at the ripe old age of 102 in my sleep. With no illnesses to speak of, of course, just a nice old lady with a couple of cats who outlived her husband and now has a whole wad of cash to leave to her heirs when she passes on, which will be in her sleep without any illnesses to speak of and with a couple of cats which will then go and live with her favorite great grand children (these will be the ones that spend the most time with her.)
Yes, that is what I would do.
But this does not explain why I enjoy watching real life crime dramas on TV (ie. Cold Case on A&E) Joe thinks I'm silly for watching them, but I say it is because I like it when the bad guys get caught. And it's true, I do. I still cant look at any heinous footage though. My stomach turns. ,
I can't watch scary movies either. Nope, no way.
I went to watch, I think it was Wanted? with joe. That movie where they spin bullets and stuff. I think you know what I am talking about...
Anyway, I almost had to leave because I was getting nauseous.
I have started working out at the gym again. I just finished my second day today. I am very sleepy. I almost did not wake up for dinner. I took a lot of cat naps and ate lots of chicken. Mmmm chicken.
Okay, vegans, what's up with that? I'm not hating on you or anything, but, CHICKEN!!! it tastes so gooooooood! And you guys don't just not eat chicken, you also say that cheese makes you fat! What? Okay maybe it can make you fat, but I don't think I have to worry about that in the slightest at the moment because my body looks really really good, and now that I am working out with my trainer again it's going to look even better!
How do u feel about vegetarians?
vegetarians are fine. I really just like cheese a lot.
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