Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Jury duty is OVAH!!

I am so happy that jury summons is over. I have eighty bucks coming to me in the next six to eight weeks.

My advice to anyone who gets a summons in the mail, BE HONEST ABOUT EVERYTHING. AND JUST GO AND GET IT OVER WITH.

so, the jury i was possibly going to be seated for, was going to be the jury for this personal injury trial where this little old lady is suing the city because she tripped and fell on a city sidewalk. So the city's lawyer gets up to ask questions and he's all "so, I have no reason to believe this lady is not a very nice older lady, so if she cries during cross examination, are you going to want her to win?"

And I was all "yeah, of course I'm going to want her to win"

shoot 'em straight, i'm telling you. They discharged me for that one sentence, i'm telling you. I was all set to head straight for the jury and then that came to light and BAM! OUT!


In other happy news, I got a bank account today. I have been without a bank account for over a year. And now I have a new one. My new bank is Wachovia and I feel the need to share this because my friend J says that she thinks their slogan should be something like "Wachovia, We'll Watch Ovah Ya"

I love it.

I was out of an account because I over drafted on my old account and didn't pay the balance back in time so they iced me out. DO NOT OVERDRAFT BECAUSE THE BANKERS WILL F YOU UP!

Well, you can overdraft but you have to pay them back in a timely fashion. THAT IS THE GOLDEN RULE!

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