Sunday, April 29, 2012

How I make money and be generally awesome

Hi Internet,

I hope all of you are well. Two posts down (three, if you count this one) I told you that I got a job that I started on that thursday, the one I was talking about in the post. Well, I never went. I made myself sick and I couldn't sleep. I talked to my fiancee about it, and ultimately decided not to go.

You see internet, I have my own business, you can see it here:

My Super Awesome Business

This is how I make most of my income, and since launching in January, business has been steady, and I'm excited for things to come.

Youtube also recently gave me the opportunity to become a partner, I think due to the success of my Webseries, "Confessions of a Wonky Eyed Gimp" My Youtube Channel has the show and other stuff I have done, like my stand up comedy and such.

Furthermore, my roommate told me about this website, where you can do simple "Human Intelligence Tasks" or HIT's in exchange for money. I have made about 17 bucks so far.

I'm pretty happy with how I make money, furthermore, I just bit the bullet and signed with a management company, so now I have an agent. How cool is that?

Hasta Luego!

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