Every time that I see that damn Rebok Easy Tone ad that has a beautiful lady laying on her side with the sneakers on her feet and the sultry narrator says "15% of a better workout for your thighs, 11% of a better work out for your butt, and 0% will know the reason is on your feet", I want to run out and buy the shoes.
Damn sexy advertising!!
I have so far managed to stay away from the store, but the ad stays in my mind. That's one of my pet peeves in life. All the advertising we are subjected to is sexualized. When I go to the store and I see the Swiffer Wet Jet for instance, I think instantly of all the discarded mops and brooms that have been banished to the attic, only to find love with the pink bowling ball.
Speaking of finding love, I am so sick of waking up alone. I want a boyfriend! I don't think I have ever been this insistent or this whiny about it, either.
I am already over being single.
I filmed a horror movie in New Jersey last weekend, and I had a super fun time. I got to work with Joe, Mike and Bri Bri again. This time I played Leya, the Rabbi's sister.
The premise of the move is that the Rabbi has been given a gift from God. Using this gift he can extract demons from beautiful women. However, the only way he can do that is to fuck the demons out of them (there is no actual sex in the movie). I am not going to reveal any more than that, you'll have to watch the movie for yourself when it comes out.
I had a good time semi flirting with Joe. I relaxed on the couch at one point and he came over and sat down and put my head on his lap and played with my hair. Oh, good lord. It was one of those moments where if I had been standing, my knees would have definitely went weak.
I am not sure how he feels about me though, or if he is even romantically interested in me. We are supposed to hang out this week because he is coming to the city to hang out with a friend of his. I suppose I could ask him, right?
I have to go to my grandparents house on Sunday so I can take care of them so that my mom can have a day off so that she can hang out with an old friend of hers. I have to take an early-ish bus out on Sunday and then I have to take a REALLY early bus on Monday so that I can be at class on time. The class starts at 9am so I have to be on the bus by 6am. Luckily, the bus will get in at Port Authority and I can just hop the crosstown bus over to First Avenue.
I met the coolest guy in my class, too. His name is Jeffrey and he is a Sarah Palin impersonator, and he is produces a show called "Hot Gay Cabaret". I really wanted to do a comedy set for the show, but I have a prior commitment for that Saturday. Sad Face!!!
And, ironically I am currently listening to Amy Winehouse's song "What Is It About Men"
There is a lyric in it where she says "And I pick the wrong men as naturally as I sing"
I can't sing so my line would have to be something like "... as naturally as I laugh"
At least I'm laughing!
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