Monday, December 28, 2009

the laundry

I need to do my damn laundry.

One of the many perks of single life is that I get to do my own laundry now. The pros of this is that my all my laundry fits into one quaint little cotton laundry bag and I can easily carry it on my own to the laundromat. The cons are that I can no longer convince my ex to come over and drive my laundry to the laundromat and drop it off on his way to work or whatever. 


It's been really beautiful these last couple of days. I hope that this weather continues because I do quite like it a lot. And I guess that's also another reason I should not put off going outside and greeting the day. I can even go and get some coffee! I think I just convinced myself to go outside. See how sly I am? I bribed myself with coffee. Wow. so slick. 

My cousin works at this place that sells FRESH coffee. I am talking super fresh. She said that if it's been on the shelf for more than a month, they have to throw it out. In comparison, she said that in Starbucks the coffee there often sits on the shelf in upwards of nine months before it gets sold. Kinda makes  you go "EWW" huh?

My sister has a blog about her experience in Lesotho. She's in the Peace Corps there and she got there in November. She's going to be teaching english at a junior high school. She says she likes it a lot. I will have to get the link to the blog so you guys can read/follow as well. But you can also find it in my blog roll.

Okay, time to start the day!

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